
Students should be autonomous and responsible! That’s the aim of the LAML educational project. These days, computer tools and indeed digital tablets offer huge opportunities to achieve that goal. At LAML we have a group of teachers with specialist knowledge in digital learning.

Our team, known as digitalLAML, helps to integrate new learning technologies into the educational project. The iPad for instance has proved to be a very effective tool in terms of helping students to develop new learning skills. It also offers new ways of giving feedback to teachers via voice recording etc.

Students may progress at their own pace. Furthermore it encourages collaborative work with peers or teachers. The iPad is viewed as being complementary to more traditional tools like books or notebooks.

Using both for learning day in, day out, is very important in our approach. Therefore, in 2020-21 all students from grades 7 to 4 will receive a digital tablet, as will all students belonging to the E section.

Media education plays a huge role at LAML and is part of being autonomous and responsible. The LAML-Media team is very dedicated and their objective is to raise awareness of the conscious use of electronic devices and their contents.

The LAML-Media Team offer ready to use documents, tutorials on various subjects such as cyber-mobbing or social media. They also organize, on a regular basis, conferences and workshops for students and/or parents.

Students are also encouraged to take part in journalism contests throughout the year. Extracurricular activities such as LAML-Radio or Filmatelier are also organized by the Media Team.