Rules and conventions of the school
The lycée aline mayrisch Charter
The school charter lists the engagements of each member of the school community in connection with four fundamental principles: respect, solidarity, communication and engagement. The charter reinforces the school’s motto “giving wings and roots to the pupils with whom we are entrusted” and emphasises the duty of independence and responsibility of all. This document is signed by all the pupils who are then bound to respect it within the school community.
Download the charter
Codex for the school
The Codex is an internal document at Lycée Aline Mayrisch which outlines the various in-school rules and discipline that is to be respected within the school community. This document can be consulted at any time by the pupils, teachers and parents.
Download the Codex
Code of Life
The Code of Life is a collection of rules negotiated at the start of the year between pupils and teachers within a class, which can therefore vary from class to class. These rules allow the students and teachers to work in mutual respect for each other. The students agree to behave according to the principles set out in the Code of Life by signing it.
Download the additional information about the Code of Life