The SePAS (Service psycho-social et d’accompagnement scolaires) consists of a multidisciplinary team (social worker, certified youth worker, graduate psychologist) whose objective is to encourage the best development of each member of LAML. Members of SePAS are at the disposal of students, parents and teachers for inquiries about school integration and the professional future of students at LAML.
The SePAS provides:
- Individual support in case of personal, school, family and social problems
- Screening and diagnosis of learning difficulties
- The organisation of groups
- Accompanying the students in their educational and vocational guidance
- Implementing information, prevention and raising awareness (e.g. about substance abuse, health, sex education)
- A link between the school partners (students, parents, teachers, official bodies)
- Classroom interventions
- The organisation of internships
The interviews are conducted in a confidential environment.