Tutoring (other subjects)

Schedule (all offers for all classes)

Grade 7th to 1st

These are courses held weekly in small groups for all students who have difficulty in a subject and want to be accompanied by a teacher to improve themselves. Registration is to be done online by the parents. After the students are registered, attendance at the course is mandatory. In case of absence, they must hand in an absent note (excuse) to their class teacher (régent).

Online registration.

Beginning of the 1st semester classes: Monday, 26th September 2022 to Friday 3rd February 2023

Beginning of the 2nd semester classes: Monday, 20th February to Friday 30th July 2023

Contact : Secretariat

For students from 4th grade onwards wishing for one-off assistance in Physics or Chemistry, a weekly drop-in office hour is organized. Students wishing to take advantage of this offer are requested to register on the notice board in the respective departments.