Défi (challenge)

During their first year at the school, the 7e students are invited to complete a personal project on a topic that can belong to a variety of fields such as: music, art, languages, crafts, natural sciences or community work. They are joined in their efforts by a group of teachers.

The “Défi” (challenge) is a piece of work that runs for the entire school year, with the aim of realising the school’s pedagogical objective of “the independent and responsible pupil”. The goal of the “Défi” is to awaken a sense of personal initiative-taking and to encourage relationships, by focusing on creativity and collaboration. Through this initiative we hope to contribute to the development of values such as satisfaction and personal growth.

At the end of the school year, the completed “challenges” are exhibited and a certificate is presented to the pupils by the headmistress during the official presentation of academic certificates, in front of the pupils’ parents and family. The number of met “challenges”  is evidence of the students’ talents from the first year of secondary school. Participation in the “Défi” is voluntary, but LAML is pleased that most of the students participate.
