Preferential Project

Since 2001, the group “Jo zu Respekt a Solidaritéit” (Yes to Respect and Solidarity), composed of teachers, pupils and their parents, has been managing Lycée Aline Mayrisch’s “projet préférentiel” (preferential project), in collaboration with a different NGO for each project. The project is voted every three years by the school community: pupils, parents and teachers. The group “Jo zu Respekt a Solidaritéit” manages this project, bringing in the pupils involved, for example, by organising the “Journée de la Solidarité” (Solidarity Day) and iworkshops, and also coordinates the preparation of new projects.

Since 2004, the school has been engaged in the following projects:

  • Peru: Achalay Foundation in cooperation with “Frères des Hommes”,
  • in Burundi: Maison Shalom in collaboration with Partages, former “Bridderlech Deelen”,
  • in India: Project Sakhi in cooperation with “Aide à l’Enfance de l’Inde et du Népal”,
  • in Tanzania: Projekt Kilimo Endelevu in collaboration with “Iles de paix”.
  • In Columbia: Projet Corporacion Vinculos in cooperation with Caritas.

The Lycée Aline Mayrisch has currently a partnership with the ONGD Guiden a Scouten, supporting the NGO Jeunesse et developpement in Senegal. The objective is to build a training school in Casamance (South Senegal), in order to offer young people in the region the opportunity to get professional training, particularly in the field of sustainable development.

In the context of this preferential project, the students of Lycée Aline Mayrisch are in contact with the young beneficiaries through video-conferences. If the situation allows it, on-site visits (students in the beneficiary country/beneficiaries in Luxembourg) are organized during the whole project. These visits allow for more personalized contacts, and they help to concretize the collaboration in a spirit of mutual enrichment.

Solidarity day

Every year, on Monday before the Christmas holidays, the group “Jo zu Respekt a Solidaritéit” organises a Solidarity Day with the help of pupils, teachers and parents. All classes in school participate actively in the organisation of the stands, games, workshops, competitions, sport events and cultural activities in order to collect funds for the preferential project. At noon, there is a big lunch in the Jacky Antoine banquet room where parents, teachers, visitors and pupils from other schools are invited to attend.

Solidarity race

During the year, the sports teachers organize the “Course de la solidarité” (Solidarity race), where students and teachers collect donations by getting their friends and family to sponsor their participation.

Solidarity fund

The solidarity fund helps pupils in financial difficulties by assisting them in the purchase of school supplies or by paying the cost of excursions and educational trips organized by the school. Applications can be sent (keeping all confidentially) to Mrs Gabriel of the SePAS department (tel: 2604 3902).

The solidarity fund is maintained thanks to the donations from families and friends of the LAML, but above all through our “Cake-Day”. This “Cake-Day”, which takes place approximately every third Friday every month, has shown a great success. Students from two classes, assisted by a few committed teachers, share the task of baking the cakes at home and then selling them at school to benefit the solidarity fund.