Pupils’ lockers

Pupils can rent one of the 1300 lockers available adjacent to the classrooms, these lockers are rented out at a cost of 10€ a year, allowing pupils to store their books and school material. The lockers are allocated by the class tutors at the start of each school year, which means that pupils won’t keep the same locker for the duration of their time at school.


Pupils have the possibility to make photocopies on the two copiers at their disposition next to the Conciergerie reception. In front of this reception the students will also find a machine that allows them to load their student card (“myCard élève”) with photocopies.  The price of a copy is set at 0,10 €.

Photocopies for classes are made by the teachers and charged to the students; copies for tests are free. Twice a year, the headteacher collects the money in class.
