2e : Raising awareness campaign for the right choice of study
The school organises an awareness campaign that should help 2e pupils with their choice of study. In the first trimester, the heads of school give the students an overview of the different possibilities they have. During the second trimester, they receive an overview of the different university systems in France, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK, application procedures and the application dates.
Organised by the Parents’ Committee, the Centre for Documentation and Information on Higher Education (CEDIES – Centre de Documentation et d’Information sur l’Enseignement Supérieur) and the University of Luxembourg present the deadlines and procedures for enrollment in university studies.
During the school year, teachers as well as the SePAS Department organise individual interviews with pupils in order to help and advise them. Pupils are strongly encouraged to take part in extra-curricular activities which can help expand their CV and skills for their university applications. The school offers also a free preparation for the IELTS-Test (International English Language Testing System).
Once a year, the school holds a “matinée des professions” (professions morning). At this time, the 2e students encounter, in workshops and individual interviews, professionals of their choice. Since 2019 all the experts are former pupils from Lycée Aline Mayrisch. They respresent a wide choice of professions like architect, engineer, startup manager, forensic scientist, physician, movie director, lawer, scientist, psychologist or artist.